Preparation of new electoral roll

Please click of the link below to see the Notice that a new Electoral Roll will be prepared this year.

In accordance with the Church Representation Rules, 2025 is a year in which an entirely new church electoral roll must be prepared in advance of the annual parochial church meeting in every parish in the Church of England. The last time this was done was in 2019.

Whether or not a person has their name entered on the existing electoral roll, anyone wishing to be enrolled on the new roll must complete a fresh form of application.  Regular worshippers are asked to seriously consider applying to enrol on the Church Electoral Roll.

Preparation of the new electoral roll will begin on Monday 27th January. Blank application forms and a box for depositing new forms will be available in the foyer from this date. This process must be completed no later than Thursday 17th April when all completed forms must have been deposited in the box or returned directly to the Electoral Roll Officer.

Alternatively, you may download an application form by clicking on the link below.

Please return it by email to

If you have any questions about the electoral roll or the preparation of the new roll, please do not hesitate to contact the Electoral Roll Officer, the Vicar or one of the Church Wardens.