Your questions answered…..
If you are resident in the Parish of Crowthorne or a regular worshipper at St John’s and would like to bring your child up in the Christian faith, as a member of the Church, then please contact the Church Office churchoffice@crowthorneparishchurch.org.uk about baptism. It may even be that you yourself have never been baptised and would like to make a Christian commitment – there is no age limit for baptism!
When: We normally hold baptisms on Sunday afternoons.
The Service: The baptism service will be dedicated service for you and your family.
Donations: There is no charge for a baptism. During the service we will take up our regular offering for the work of the church during one of the hymns. Please contribute to the plate if you would like to.
Godparents: All Godparents must be baptised and ideally confirmed.
Any other questions? Just ask…

Planning on getting married and hoping to do so with God’s blessing – a “traditional church wedding”? St John’s may be the place for you… If you live in the parish of Crowthorne, are on the electoral role of St John’s or have a qualifying connection with the parish then we should be able to talk business. Please contact the Church Office.
If you require Banns of Marriage to be read, you will find the form on the Documents Page.

Our Ministry Team is available to conduct services for funerals, either in the Church, or at the Crematorium. During the Vicar’s maternity leave, this will be handled by our team of Licensed Lay Ministers.
There are no available new plots for either burial or interment. Existing plots may be used for family members where appropriate. We also have a Garden of Remembrance where ashes may be strewed.
Applications for new and modified memorials must be in accordance with Diocesan Churchyard Regulations and submitted on the Diocesan Application Form. Both of these documents are attached.
The Church maintains a detailed record of over 3000 plots and memorials in the Churchyard. Berkshire Family History Society has also produced a CD with a wealth of information on memorials included photos of each plot. The Churchyard is divided into various areas – see the map and key below.

Please contact the Church Office (Tel: 01344 761521) for more information.