The Parochial Church Council of St. John the Baptist Church, Crowthorne has the responsibility of co-operating with the Incumbent, Licensed Lay Ministers, the Church Wardens, and Appointed Officers in promoting the whole mission of the Church of England in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Crowthorne in the Diocese of Oxford. It also has responsibility for maintaining the Church and Grounds in Waterloo Road, Crowthorne and also has the responsibility of acting as Managing Trustees of the Crowthorne Parish Church Trust.
The members (Trustees) of the PCC are Ex officio or elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. Persons Co-opted during the year as members or appointed officers do not have voting rights until elected at the following year’s Annual Meeting.
The PCC operates on a sub-committee basis. The full PCC met 6 times during the year plus one meeting after the APCM with an average attendance of 15. Committees met between meetings and reports of their deliberation were received by the full PCC and discussed where necessary.
The sub-committees during the year were: –
Standing Committee -This is the only committee required by law. It has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the Council. The Standing Committee normally meets with the officers of the PCC to form a Steering Committee in preparation for PCC meetings.
Fabric Committee – Attends to matters relating to the stewardship of the churchyard, the church buildings and the equipment and fittings thereof and health and safety matters.
Stewardship – Concerned with the stewardship of time and talents as well as money, also with Deanery and ecumenical matters.
Missions – Liaises with and promotes the work of selected Christian missions and the missionary work of the Church in the local area.
Social – Aims to develop outreach and fellowship through a programme of social events.
Events– Organising committee which raises funds for the church.
Safeguarding – the administration of the Parish Safeguarding Policy.
Communications – Aims to co-ordinate and support church publicity both externally and within the church community. Publication of Weekly News and supporting production of online worship.