Praying for others

At the 10am Eucharist each Sunday

Prayers ( Intercessions) are said for others, for our community, for our nation and for global issues as well.

Prayers for the Parish

We prepare prayers each week and these go into our Weekly News. These include prayers for people who have requested that they be included, together with wider prayers for our village, our planet and for the end to conflict in the wider world.

Friday Prayers

We have a group of people who pray regularly each week in the Church on a Friday Evening. They pray for people mentioned on our prayer board.

We would encourage you to use the prayer board as you feel the need. There are paper, pens and velcro tabs readily available on the shelf beneath for your use. We would ask you to keep your prayers updated as and when you can and hope that it will continue to contribute to our pastoral and prayerful support for all. 

You are welcome to come and join us on Friday at 5.30 pm in the Choir Vestry for about 30 minutes.

Mothers Union Prayer Group and Coffee Morning 

This meets on the 4th Thursday of every month  at 10am in the Church hall. All are welcome.

If you have any prayer requests, or would like to communicate with the Friday Prayer Group, please email to